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Octavia Court

261 Octavia Boulevard, San Francisco | Map
Not Managed by SAHA

This property is managed by Brilliant Corners. Please see their website at http://brilliantcorners.org/brilliant-solutions/housing-development/.

Octavia Court is a 15-unit affordable housing development for disabled individuals and their families located on the southwest corner of Octavia Boulevard and Oak Street in San Francisco.  It was developed though a partnership with West Bay Housing Corporation and through financing from the US Department of Housing Development Section 811 and State of California Multifamily Supportive Housing programs. Octavia Court provides up to 19 people with developmental disabilities long-term affordable and accessible independent living apartments.

April, 2011
Income Level
20-50% AMI
Resident Population
  • People with Special Needs
IE Collaborative
Financing Partners
  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
  • State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD)
  • State Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • Wells Fargo
  • California Recycle Underutilized Sites Program (CALReUSE)
  • Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco AHP
Property Manager
Brilliant Corners
Services Coordinator
Brilliant Corners