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Tower Park Apartments

701 17th Street, Modesto | Map
Not Managed by SAHA

This property is managed by HumanGood. Please see their website here.

With construction completed in March 2016, Tower Park Apartments provides 49 one-bedroom units for Seniors in the Modesto community. The project presented an important opportunity for SAHA to geographically expand its portfolio into the Central Valley, bringing much-needed, high-quality affordable housing into Modesto's downtown district. The City of Modesto selected SAHA and project partner Beacon Communities to develop this 1.5 acre parcel into a Senior community based upon our combined experience building and managing affordable housing for Seniors. SAHA and Beacon Communities jointly developed the community, and Beacon Communities, an organization with a long history of providing housing and services tailored to the specific needs of Seniors, manages the property.

Two aspects that underscore how Tower Park Apartments is such an asset to its residents are its green building design and its accessibility features. Solar panels on the project’s roof offset a substantial portion of the building’s electricity loads, and keep operating costs low. The project is also GreenPoint Rated, with interior finishes that utilize environmentally sensitive materials, including low-VOC points, green label carpet and Energy Star rated appliances. Further, the project is designed well for community members to comfortably age in place, with apartment features such as shower grab bars and intentionally designed floor surfaces, thresholds and doorways to support the safe navigation of hallways and units.

March, 2016
Income Level
30-60% AMI
Resident Population
  • Seniors
The Dahlin Group
Huff Construction Co.
Financing Partners
  • City of Modesto HOME CDBG
  • City of Modesto NSP
  • Wells Fargo Bank
  • California Tax Credit Allocation Committee
  • Federal Home Loan Bank (with Wells Fargo)
Property Manager
Services Coordinator