Sage B. Foster brings 30 years of experience with permanent housing location and retention for diverse populations experiencing major barriers to housing. Sage is currently serving as an independent consultant focusing on supportive and rapid re-housing implementation, collaboration building and strategic planning for those working with homeless youth, individuals and families, demonstrating a commitment to provide innovative and effective solutions to ending homelessness.
Previously, Sage served as the Housing Partnership’s Manager at Abode Services as well as the Program Manager of Alameda County’s Rapid Re-housing Program (HUD-HPRP) providing financial assistance and stabilization services to over 600 households throughout Alameda County including re-entering parolees, street homeless, veterans, encampment dwellers and disabled shelter residents. Sage implemented the Mental Health Service’s Act (Prop 63) with Bonita House’s Homeless Outreach and Stabilization Team in Oakland, CA and housed 95 chronically homeless individuals living with serious mental health challenges in scattered site apartments from Berkeley to Hayward, CA.
Sage served as a member of the Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Service’s Housing Review Committee from 2007-2013. Sage received a Master’s Degree in Counseling Education from the University of San Francisco and a Master’s Degree in Public Health from San Francisco State University.