Breaking ground on a decade long dream.


Harper Crossing Groundbreaking Celebration
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 10:00am to Noon
Program at 10:30am
Interviews and photo opportunities
3132 Martin Luther King JR. Way, Berkeley
Media Contact: Susan Friedland

Breaking ground on a decade long dream.
SAHA’s Harper Crossing will break ground on 42 new affordable rental homes to low-income seniors in Berkeley.

February 14, 2016 – Berkeley, CA. On Tuesday, February 23, Satellite Affordable Housing Associates (SAHA) will celebrate the groundbreaking of Harper Crossing, 42 new affordable homes for low-income seniors.

Located in South Berkeley, close to public transportation, Harper Crossing will provide permanent affordable housing for seniors aged 62 and older, and whose household income is at or below 30-60%of the area median.

In addition to managing the apartments, SAHA will provide the onsite services including adult education, health & wellness, and skill building classes. Harper Crossing will create an opportunity for seniors to live in a safe and positive environment where they will be able to socialize with peers and receive support services in areas of need. According to SAHA Executive Director Susan Friedland, “All around us in Berkeley and beyond, we are witnessing historic rises in rents and the resulting displacement of low income people. The construction of Harper Crossing is a response to this crisis. SAHA is committed to providing affordable, service-enriched housing that promotes healthy and dignified living for people with limited options. By combining quality property management and supportive resident services we will be able to address the needs of the seniors living at Harper Crossing”

Green building features include: Green Point Rated GOLD, Solar Hot Water, Bio-Swale, Universal Design, Energy Star Appliances, High-efficiency lighting.

Funding comes from City of Berkeley, City of Berkeley HUD HOME, HCD TOD Housing Program, HCD Infill Infrastructure Grant Program, Alameda County Boomerang Funds, Alameda County HOPWA, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, Silicon Valley Bank, National Equity Fund, California Tax Credit Allocation Committee, and Enterprise Community Partners.

Harper Crossing was designed by Kodama Diseno Architects and built by J. H. Fitzmaurice, general contractor.

About Satellite Affordable Housing Associates At Satellite Affordable Housing Associates we believe everyone deserves a home. Everyday we work to provide high-quality affordable homes and support services that empower people and strengthen communities. SAHA’s 60 innovative properties provide more than 3,000 homes to low-income seniors, families, and people with special needs.